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  1. Zoccali P., Cantisani G., Loprencipe G. (2015). Ground-vibrations induced by trains: filled trenches mitigation capacity and length influence. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS (ISSN:0950-0618).

  2. Loprencipe G., Cantisani G., Di Mascio P. (2014). Global assessment method of road distresses. Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2014. 16-19 November 2014 Tokyo (Japan).

  3. Loprencipe G. (2014) Tecniche di modellazione per l’ingegneria Civile. Edizioni Ingegneria 2000 ROMA 1 396.

  4. Cantisani G., Loprencipe G. (2013). A Statistics Based Approach for Defining Reference Trajectories on Road Sections MODERN APPLIED SCIENCE (ISSN:1913-1844), 32- 46, 7

  5. Loprencipe G., Cantisani G. (2013). Unified Analysis of Road Pavement Profiles for Evaluation of Surface Characteristics MODERN APPLIED SCIENCE (ISSN:1913-1844), 1- 14, Vol. 7.

  6. Attaccalite L., Di Mascio P. , Loprencipe G., Pandolfi C. (2012). Risk Assessment Around Airport PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (ISSN:1877-0428), 852- 861, 53.

  7. D’Andrea A., Loprencipe G., Xhixha E. (2012). Vibration induced by rail traffic: evaluation of attenuation properties in a bituminous sub-ballast layer PROCEDIA: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (ISSN:1877-0428), 245- 255, 53.

  8. Cantisani G., Loprencipe G., Primieri F. (2011) The integrated design of urban road intersections: a case-study. ICSDS 2011 Integrating Sustainibility Practices in the Construction Industry ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers (USA) 722 727 1 March 23–25, 2011 Kansas City, Missouri (USA).

  9. Cantisani G., Loprencipe G (2010). Road roughness and whole body vibration: evaluation tools and comfort limits JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (ISSN:0733-947X), 818- 826, 136, Issue n. 9.

  10. Bonin G., Cantisani G., Ranzo G., Loprencipe G., Atahan A. O (2009). Retrofit of an Existing Italian Bridge Rail for H4a Containment Level Using Simulation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAVY VEHICLE SYSTEMS (ISSN:1744-232X), 258- 270, 16, Nos 1/2, 2009.